

This read-through will be The Sword Itself by Joe Abercrombie, the first book of the First Law trilogy. I don’t know much about the book itself, or the series, so I’m excited about diving into it.


I’m moderately familiar with the general realm of sci-fi and fantasy, but there are lots of well-known books and series that I haven’t read. These are great opportunities to read books that I’ll probably like, and that I can learn from.

Format-wise, these posts will each cover one chapter. This book uses chapter breaks to switch between POV characters, so I’ll make sure to note who the POV character of each chapter is. Unless it’s unknown, but I don’t know if that happens yet.

The posts will start with a brief summary of the chapter. Then, I’ll do some closer analysis on parts that seem interesting to me from a plot, character, or writing perspective.

Wrap up

This is a longer book at 191,000 words and 46 chapters. Still, in the world of fantasy it’s not that long of a book. Anyway, if this doesn’t work out I’ll just never publish any of these, so it’s not like the length is a real obstacle.